School of Art: Travel Request Form

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Travel Request Information

Traveler Information

Who is traveling? Required
Please state name that appears in webBASIS or UAConnect. If your name has changed it needs to be updated in these places.
Travel type Required

Funding Information

Select program area Required
Select funding source Required
Please have this information BEFORE completing your travel request. It is required in order for admin staff to book travel.

Trip Information

Please be specific, give the name of the conference and/or event. If it is a conference, attach a copy of presentation acceptance.
Conference presentation acceptance
University policy allows one day of travel on either side of an event. Exceptions can be made with approved justification and two days can be claimed.

Transportation Mode

Transportation mode (check all that apply)

Lodging Information

Lodging method of puchase Required

Registration Fee

Registration fee method of purchase Required

Meals Information

Meals method of purchase Required

Cash Advance Request

Are you requesting a cash advance for any of the following? (Check all that apply) Required

Misc. and Total Trip Costs

Misc. (check all that apply) Required

Detailed Explanation of Travel

Please confirm Required