School of Art: Purchase Form Page 1 of 3 . You are 34% complete. Purchase Request Form Please complete the following fields to process a purchase request. Please note new vendors must complete vendor set through a new U of A online form: First name Required Last name Required Email address Required Program area Required Select type of funding Required Endowment State If endowment funding, select area Art Education Art History Graphic Design Studio Art Technology Maintenance School Visiting Lecture Program Endowed Professors Fine Arts Library Graduate Support Undergraduate Support Outreach and Recruitment Inclusive Excellence Committee Funding If state funding, select area ACF - Art Consumable Fund ART - Faculty RIF CAF Cultural Activity - Gallery ART - Bentonville Gallery - Run Gallery Tele Art Studio Equipment Maintenance - Office Use Only Please select type of purchase request Required Purchase Order (P.O.) Blanket P.O. IT Related Honorarium/ Appearance Agreement Non-Travel Reimbursement Contract/Lease Sponsorship Worktag and activity code Please fill out if known First and last name of Program Area Head Required Purchase/business justification Required Curriculum Design/Teaching Aids/Class Supplies & Equipment - (research or purchases impacting and/or contributing to course curriculum development – include specific class/es in the comments) Research Equipment/Supplies – (equipment, consumable materials, books, and other supplies – include specific research in the comments) Professional Development – (professional memberships, conference registrations, museum/exhibit visits - include specific organization in the comments) Computer/Software/Subscriptions/ Websites – (Standard equipment, software, and subscriptions – include specifics in the comments) Other Category - (include specifics in the comments) Please list the name of the project and project description, if using endowment funds please use the same language in the program area operating budget: * Required This field is used to assign the purchase expense to the correct program budget line. If invoice is to individual/sole proprietor give BRIEF justification of payment.. If this request includes individuals, in addition to requester, please list within the description. i.e. Student X to purchase supplies Honorarium Has the person(s) worked as an employee at UAF in the last year? Required Yes No Will the person(s) be teaching in any capacity? Required Yes No Date of service/lecture Required Amount of Payment Required Is this person visiting campus in person? Required Yes No Is this person an international visitor? Required Yes No Recipient email address Required Vendor/supplier name Required Attach additional files Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… P.O. Attach invoice or quote Required Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Attach additional files Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Vendor/supplier Required Total cost Blanket P.O. Attach additional files Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Vendor/supplier Required Total cost IT Related Attach invoice or quote Required Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Attach additional files Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Vendor/supplier Required Total cost Non-Travel Reimbursement Personal reimbursement form Required Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Attach additional files Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Vendor/supplier Required Total cost Contract/lease Attach contract/lease Required Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Attach additional files Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Vendor/supplier Required Sponsorship Attach proposal Required Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Attach additional files Drop files here or click to upload. Choose a file… Vendor/supplier Required Total cost