Employee Privacy Notice and Consent

In order to administer its programs, the University of Arkansas (“UA”) must collect and use certain personal data. Personal data that is created or collected in the European Union is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (the “EU GDPR”). UA is providing this Notice to inform you of how your data will be used and what rights you may have and is seeking your consent to the use and transfer of that data.

Failing to consent to UA’s use and transfer of your personal data could hinder UA’s ability to carry out the activities required to administer a UA program, and you may not be able to work with a UA program. Please carefully read this Notice in its entirety, respond to the form questions on the next page, review your answers on the final page before submitting:

UA “data controller” under the EU GDPR, UA uses your data according to the following terms:

  1. All personal data concerning you that has been or will be provided to UA that was created in the European Union and is related to your application for employment by UA, employment by UA, teaching of courses at UA, research activities at UA, or faculty exchange pursuant to an agreement with a Partner Institution, will be processed and handled by UA in accordance with the EU GDPR, UA Policies, and this Notice.

Personal data, as defined by the EU GDPR, includes any information about you that would enable direct or indirect identification of you. This may include your name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or descriptions of your personal characteristics. Personal data may also include information pertaining to your mental or physical health and the provision of health care services. Processing may include recording, collection or transmission of your personal data.

  1. Personal data may be processed by UA for the following purposes and subject to appropriate safeguards:
    1. Recruitment of you for employment with a UA program;
    2. Performance of a contract with you and/or the Partner Institution listed above, or in order to take action on your request to UA prior to entering into the contract;
    3. Compliance with a legal obligation in the U.S. or the European Union to which UA is subject;
    4. Protection of the vital interests of you or another person;
    5. Performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in UA, including the enforcement of UA’s academic policies;
    6. Carrying out obligations and specific rights in the field of employment, social security or a collective bargaining agreement;
    7. The exercise or defense of legal claims;
    8. Preventive or occupational medicine, the assessment of your capacity as an employee, or medical diagnosis of the health or treatment or, or management of health and services for you;
    9. Protection of public health and prevention of disease;
    10. Archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes, or statistical purposes.

Personal data revealing ethnic origin, health, criminal convictions and other sensitive personal matters (collectively “Sensitive Data”) may be requested by UA. With the exception of criminal convictions, you are not obligated to provide Sensitive Data and do so on a voluntary basis. If Sensitive Data is provided to UA, your approval is consent to UA to process Sensitive Data for the purposes described in this Notice and in accordance with applicable law.

  1. Data processing will take place either within the offices of UA which are which are necessary for the support of your participation in a UA program, or within an information technology solution managed by a third party under contract with UA. Data will be accessed by UA and third parties under contract with UA by persons requiring access to the data for the purposes described in this Notice. By way of example, personal data may be communicated in connection with your entry to and exit from the United States. Personal data may also be communicated to public bodies and authorities (such as hospitals and public safety officials) and to private entities (such as clinics and insurance companies) for purposes relating to health and safety emergency and for the purposes of fulfilling obligations under applicable law. The personal data you have provided may also be transferred overseas pursuant to the terms, conditions and limits specified by Chapter V of the EU GDPR.
  1. Your personal data must be processed in order to administer your employment and arrange program activities. Any refusal to consent may hinder UA’s ability to properly administer matters relating to your employment and meet its contractual obligations or obligations imposed by law.
  1. Your information will be retained by UA in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and accreditation guidelines, as well as UA policies. Your information will be destroyed upon your request or after the expiration of any applicable retention period, whichever is later. The manner of destruction shall be appropriate to preserve and ensure the confidentiality of your information given the level of sensitivity, value and criticality to the UA.
  1. Subject to limitations established by legal requirements, UA policies, and regulatory guidelines, you will be able to exercise any and all other rights, as applicable, included in Articles 15 to 22 of the EU GDPR, namely right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, and right to object.
  1. The consent you are providing to UA for use of personal data may be withdrawn by you at any time by notifying Curt Rom, Associate Dean for International Education. The processing of personal data prior to the date of withdrawal of the consent shall not be affected. Personal data shall be destroyed by UA after the expiration of applicable retention periods.

Notwithstanding any rights under EU GDPR, you acknowledge and consent that UA may disclose personal data to appropriate institutional authorities (at UA or a collaborating institution) if a serious health, safety, or conduct issue arises, including, but not limited to, if you are the victim, perpetrator, or a witness to alleged harassment, sexual or gender-based misconduct, and/or criminal behavior, whether on or off campus, and whether or not the matter involves disciplinary action.

You must fill out the form on the following page and review and submit your answers on the final page in order for your consent form to be received.