(Revised 2022)
I. Purpose
Following Arkansas Code, annotated, 13-6-212 and 13-7-05, the Arkansas Archeological Survey is the official Arkansas state repository for archeological site and project information. Arkansas Archeological Survey archeological site files are exempted from public access by the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (Arkansas Code, Annotated 25-10-105b(3)), and by provisions of the Federal Archeological Resources Protection Act (Public Law 96-95; 16 U.S.C. 470aa-mm). Site and project files along with associated archeological data are available on a scientific and management need to know basis to Qualified Professional Archeologists and Researchers (see below). Others may request such data, and, if a need to know is established, an agreement to allow access can be executed.
II. Definitions
Qualified Professional Archeologist
Any person certified by the Register of Professional Archeologists (RPA) and who is carried on the active list of persons certified by RPA, or who meets the U.S. Secretary of Interior's Standards (Code of Federal Regulations, 36 CFR Part 61).
Qualified Researcher
Any researcher from a recognized institution, including without limitation an academic, state, or federal government, or nonprofit nongovernmental institution, and who is adequately trained about conditions where names and locations of archeological resources are appropriately protected while conducting research for the purposes of presentation or publication.
Any individual that provides support and takes responsibility for the actions of a researcher who does not meet the RPA/SOI requirements needed to access the AMASDA database.
Access to Archeological Site Files
Direct Access at the Registrar's Office in Fayetteville, Arkansas, to original hard copy records that are physically kept in that office; site forms, site file extension, archeological reports, black and white photographs, slides, record sheets, data forms, bibliographic citations, radiocarbon dates, artifact analyses, survey and excavation records, oversized site and project maps, quadrangle maps showing the location of previously conducted archeological projects.
On-line access through the AMASDA (Automated Management of Archeological Site Data in Arkansas) system. AMASDA currently includes the following records; site forms, bibliographic citations, radiocarbon database, Study Units for geographic areas and time periods, and a geographical interface that has both site and project information.
- Photographs, Maps, and Graphic Imagery
- The Arkansas Archeological Survey maintains extensive photographic images of archeological sites, artifacts, and archeological activities, along with extensive collections of maps and other graphics. These may be of interest to researchers for their informational content or for use as illustrations in publications or other presentations. These materials are presently available only via direct access at the Registrar's Office in Fayetteville, Arkansas after filling out the "Request for Access to Records" form. Requests for permission to publish photographic images, maps, or other graphics are considered on a case-by-case basis. Request for Permission forms are available from the Survey Registrar.
- Several Survey-supported websites, including the main Survey website, Archeology of the Arkansas River Valley, Indians of Arkansas, Rock Art in Arkansas, and the AMASDA Online system, also contain site and artifact photo images and other graphics. You are not permitted to download and use images from any of these sites without written permission. You may request permission to use these images by filling out and returning the "Request for Access to Records" and the "Request for Permission to Publish or Quote from Materials Produced by the Arkansas Archeological Survey" forms available from the Survey Registrar or from the State Archeologist page on the Survey website:
III. Procedures for initial direct or on-line access to the archeological site file on deposit with the Registrar
- All persons desiring direct or on-line access to the archeological data on deposit with the Registrar must complete the form "Request for Access to Records". You will be permitted access to files after this form has been reviewed for eligibility and signed by the Registrar.
- "Request for Access to Records" should be sent to the Registrar's Office. The "Request for Permission to Publish or Quote from Material Produced by the Arkansas Archeological Survey" should be sent to the State Archeologist.
- Access to the archeological site file is restricted to only those individuals indicated on the Request for Access form.
- Site forms may be downloaded from the on-line system. Photocopies of archeological records may be made at scheduled in person visits to the Registrar’ Office. Payment for copies may be made at the time of in-person access.
- Appointments for direct access to records must be made at least three working days in advance. This is necessary to assure access to sufficient workspace and to any records that are routinely stored in a low activity storage facility until they are requested.
- Confidentiality
- You agree not to disseminate the name of any person contained in the records without written permission from that person and from the State Archeologist.
- You agree not to publish specific site locational data, and only provide such data to clients with a need to know, with the understanding that the client is not permitted to make this data available to the general public.
- You agree not to disseminate any copies of downloaded site forms. Data extracted from the forms may be summarized, in narrative or tabular form as appropriate, in reports you prepare but the forms themselves may not be duplicated or transferred to other parties.
IV. Completion and Termination of each request for Access to Records
After completion of each direct or on-line access request, you agree to:
- Destroy or return all sensitive records and site forms acquired for the project. Sensitive records include information about archeological sites, and their locations, housed in Survey site files, field notes, digital databases, paper and/or digital archives. Books, final reports, and other published material in the Survey Library do not constitute sensitive information, but its reproduction may be covered by Copyright law.
- Records must be shredded, wiped off hard drives, and otherwise destroyed so that the information they contain cannot be retrieved by other parties. You are not to sell or transfer these records to other individuals, corporations, agencies, or organizations.
- You may not store the records because 1) the information may be acquired by unauthorized individuals, 2) records become outdated because new information is added to site files on a regular basis, and 3) permission for access to records must be filed anew for each archeological project.
- Provide the Survey with copies of all records (including but not limited to site forms and/or revisit forms, survey and excavation field forms, photos, notes, and maps). The Archeologist will also provide the Survey a copy of the final report resulting from research carried out using Survey records. Qualified Researchers working on any type of project or research program must provide the Registrar with a copy of the results, report, publication, or paper, using the data obtained from Survey files. Copies of records and final reports should be submitted within 60 days of the completion of the project.
- If the final report has negative findings, a digital copy along with the Project Identification Form and shapefiles of the project area should be submitted to the Registrar’s office.
- If the final report includes curated artifacts, two hard copies and a digital copy of the final report as well as associated project paperwork (including but not limited to artifact catalog/analysis forms, field specimen catalog, field notes, accession logs, photo documentation and digital photos), Project Identification Form, and shapefiles of the project area should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. A Curation Agreement must be signed with the Registrar’s Office prior to accession numbers being assigned. Curation fees will be assessed once collections are received and processed.
V. Procedures for subsequent Request for Access
- An individual Request for Access agreement must be executed for each project.
- Access will be denied until records and reports from previous projects that are prepared in the proper format have been received and formally accepted. The only exception will be those projects that are still on-going as stipulated in the access agreement.
VI. Procedures for grievance
- If access is denied by the State Archeologist or the Registrar, the reason for denial will be stated in writing.
- The person requesting access may appeal the denial in writing to the Survey Director who will make the final decision regarding access.
VII. Access by State and Federal agencies
Qualified Professional Archeologists who are employees of State and Federal agencies, such as but not limited to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department, Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, U.S. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism, and Arkansas Archeological Survey, shall submit an Access to Records form yearly. All other qualified persons must complete a Request for Access form for each project before obtaining direct or online access to the AMASDA files and other records.
VIII. Procedures with respect to records of the Arkansas Archeological Survey not on deposit with the Registrar
Records generated by Archeological Survey professional staff members through Station research, other research in progress, and research not yet completed, may be made available to others at the discretion of the appropriate Survey professional staff person.
Any questions regarding access to material not yet deposited with the Registrar may be referred by either party to the Survey Director.