FAMA | Partition Request

Partition Request

Prior to completing the form, please review the Barrier/Partition Guidelines.

Requests for barriers will be prioritized for those locations where no option exists for social distancing and interaction with others is required on a frequent basis (e.g., teller location, service department counter, check in desk, information desk).

The requested location must be a location that routinely interacts with people for extended periods of time and where a 6’ separation cannot be maintained or routinely interacts with multiple people throughout the day and there are no alternatives to the direct interaction.

Note: barriers are not intended to replace the use of face coverings or social distancing protocols. 

Do employees working in this area frequently come into contact with students, visitors, or other employees? Required
Contact in this case is defined by being within 6 feet for a minimum of two minutes.
Has approval for the partition been obtained by a dean or department head? Required