If you believe there is an immediate danger to life or health call 911 or University Police at (479) 575-2222. Report motor vehicle accidents to University Police at (479) 575-2222. Report threats of violence, sexual misconduct, and other concerns through the report.uark.edu website.
This form will alert the Environmental Health and Safety Office (ENHS) of injuries, accidental incidents, and near miss events on campus to identify and resolve campus concerns. This form is in reference to VCFA Policy 700.2.
PLEASE NOTE: Any event involving workplace injuries must be reported to the Company Nurse Hotline (1-855-339-1893) to be considered for workers' compensation claims. This accident form is not intended to take the place of workers' compensation claim forms.
Please be aware this form will time out after ten minutes of inactivity.
Describe the accident and events leading up to the accident.
In as much detail as possible, please describe the events leading up to the accident, describe the accident as it occurred, and describe the steps taken immediately after the accident. Describe any injuries and where on the body they occurred. Include any objects or substances involved.
By submitting this form, you are agreeing that the information provided is true, correct, and complete to the best of your knowledge. Furthermore, you understand that any information provided on the accident/injury form will be used as part of an investigation by the University of Arkansas. Information shared here is not protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Do not share overly sensitive personal or medical information or images.