ENHS | Accident Reporting Form

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Updated Incident Reporting Process

FOR EMERGENCIES CALL 911. If you need immediate medical assistance with a workplace injury, call the Company Nurse Hotline 1-855-339-1893. For motor vehicle accidents, violence, or crime call University Police at (479) 575-2222.

U of A Members: CLICK HERE to report an incident, accident, injury, or near miss using a new incident reporting form in SciShield, the campus environmental health and safety information management system. Report safety concerns or observations using ObservNow. Please update your internet bookmarks with links to the new reporting forms.

Campus Visitors: Email enhs.uark.edu to report incidents, accidents, injuries, safety concerns or observations to the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Office.

For questions or concerns regarding the new Incident Reporting process, please email the EHS Office at enhs@uark.edu or call (479) 575-5448.