ENGR - Student Profile Form ENGR - Student Profile First and last name Required What engineering major did you choose? Required Biological & Agricultural Biomedical Chemical Civil Computer Engineering Computer Science Data Science Electrical Industrial Mechanical Other If you answered 'other' above, please specify which engineering major you've chosen.. Academic Interests What led you to choose engineering as your field of study? Required What inspired you to specialize in your particular engineering discipline? Required Early Influences and Interests Was there a particular experience, person, or moment that sparked your interest in engineering or science? Required Choice of University and Program Why did you choose the University of Arkansas for your engineering studies? Required Personal and Academic Community How would you describe the community within your engineering department? What do you appreciate most about your professors and peers? Required Advice for Prospective Students What advice would you give to someone considering studying engineering at the University of Arkansas? Required Is there a particular resource or opportunity you recommend for prospective students interested in engineering? Required Closing Thoughts What excites you most about the future in your field, or what are you looking forward to as you continue in your studies? Required